Manifesting 21-Day Challenge
Here you will find copies of the daily emails I’m sharing from the 1st of January- although we have started sharing on New Year’s Day- this can start/re-start on any day of the year. (But if you stick with me, we can check in again in 6 or 12 months!)
DAY 1: Manifesting begins with clarity and excitement about what you want to manifest.
1) Choose your desire: Be clear and unapologetic about what you want to manifest (pick one thing- we have to have a very clear and specific, unwavering desire). Declare what you want by completing this sentence: I WANT TO MANIFEST ….
2) Create your Desire Statement: Write a short statement that reflects your deepest desires and how they make you feel. Create a desire statement in the present tense, as if your desire has already manifested in your life. Make it vivid and detailed (for example: “I’m thriving in my career as a successful creative director, earning a six-figure salary. I have nurturing and supporting work relationships with my line manager and co-workers. I have the ability to lead on collaborations with new clients and fit our objectives and I feel unstoppable”
3) Stay committed: Your desire statement will guide you throughout the challenge- refer to it daily for motivation and clarity. I suggest writing this down and placing it somewhere you can see everyday. Maybe join me in class or send me an email and Ill be your wingman too- you can also check in on mine!
DAY 2: Create your vision book
A Vision book is a tool to visually represent and align with your desires. It is a collection of images and quotes or affirmations that really represent everything that you want to call on. It leans on our creative energy, we are co-creating with the universe. The energy of the universe makes us a super attractor that brings our desires and dreams into form.
1) Make it portable. It may be digital (Canva, Pinterest) or physical. But make it something that might travel and you can refer to throughout the day. I’ve done vision boards before, and they worked, but let’s ramp this manifesting up by making it portable!
2) Gather photos/screen grabs, affirmations, and quotes. Cut and stick them into your vision book. BE CREATIVE. Colours, images, shapes, highlighting, doodling. Make a beautiful collage of all of these images or anything that ignites a spark of high energy in your world.
This is your sacred space. The key is to just fill this book with the elements that make you feel excited, joyful, high vibes and aligned with the energy you desire.
3) Make it part of your daily life. Once you feel your vision book is complete ( mine usually takes a few days and thoughts, images come to me). Maybe flip through it in the morning or before you go to bed- I’ve actually used my daily list book this year, but dedicated the back half to visioning, so as I refer to my daily tasks it’s there.
create initally so you can refer
Get grounded in what you create initally, and you can add more, keep building, let the high vibes snowball.
DAY 3: Claim your Yes
Become a powerful '“yes’ for what you want to manifest by aligning your energy and fully committing to your desires.
1) Be a “yes”: commit to the feelings and energy you want to attract into your life.
2) What are you a yes for? Reflect: List the feelings and experiences you want to attract into your life (perhaps in your vision book). When you claim what you are a yes for, the Universe will deliver. Be specific in teh feelings and experiences you want.
3) Share: Share with your friends, community or yourself, what are you yes for- speak it into existence!
DAY 4: Flow
This day is all about aligning your energy with that loving, powerful force of the universe and allowing yoru desires to flow and the ‘yes’ to flow through you, with ease and naturally.
“There is only a stream of well-being that flows, you can allow it or resist it, but it flows anyway.” Abraham Hicks
“maitrī karuṇā mudito-pekṣāṇāṁ-sukha-duḥkha puṇya-apuṇya-viṣayāṇāṁ bhāvanātaḥ citta-prasādanam”
It is suggested in Yoga sutra 1.32 that the means of doing this is through making the mind one-pointed, or focused in such a way that the distraction does not come. In turn, the obstacle does not surface
1) Remove Obstacles: How can you allow well-being to flow into your life? Prepare for a short affirmation meditation by writing down and describing what you are willing to release to let good feelings flow.
2) Listen to this 3-minute meditation. (transcript)
3) Free writing: write down any thoughts that come to you as soon as you listen. Be descriptive, write feelings, visions, and ideas.
DAY5: Identity Change ‘is’ behaviour change
Today we will begin to live ‘as if’ our desire is already a reality!
I use this all the time in my work with organisations who aspire for culture change, in Instead of saying what they want the whole system to be like, I work with them to compile what their organisation is! (For example, a town council and leisure services wanted to encourage residents to move more and use the green and blue spaces, so before they did a thing, they put at. the heart of every strategy, the top of every document and the beginning of every speech ‘XXXXX is an outdoor town’ - and within 2 years, the organisation is received huge investment, national and international recognition and the community is thriving!
1) Re-affirm your desire. Revist Day 1, read out loud, and consider one small action you can do today to reaffirm your desire. (If you want to be financially secure put £10 in a savings account; if you want to write a book, write 300 words )
2) Do your one small thing!
3) Re-identify. Who are you now. (I have savings, I am a writer, I am a coach, I lead with confidence)
DAY 6: Scripting your success.
Scripting is the practice of writing yoru life as if your desires have already manifested. This helps you align with the energy of your future self.
1) Write your story: from the perspective of your future self (perhaps one year from now), feeling the emotions of yoru desires fulfilled. Be detailed, including specific achievements and how it feels to live yoru dream life. Embody it now: Scripting aligns yoru present energy with the reality you are calling in.
Did you complete the Unravelling the Year Ahead Workbook- this whole workbook is essentially scripting, give it a go or refer back to it now.
DAY 7: Releasing your Resistance
Resistance to feeling good is one of the biggest blocks to manifesting your desires. Recognise how fear-based beliefs hold you back and learn to release them. Resistance blocks manifesting fear-based thoughts prevent you from receiving what you want. Relief leads to flow, when you release resistance you create space for good things to come naturally.
1) Reflect on areas in yoru life where you might be resisting feeling good.
2) Check in with your resistance. Notice any areas in your life that you feel resistant to feeling good. (this si too good to be true, I have to struggle to succeed) Bring that belief to this MEDIATION OR 4 step practice form Gabby Bernstein practice below:
Step 1: Choose to check in. make a conscious choice to turn your attention inward towards that belief.
Step 2: Curiousit. become curious about where that belief lives in your body, what does it feel like, is there ay tension? discomfort? and where is it located in yoru body? Any thoughts or images that come to mind when you focus on this belief? How old is it or how long has this belief been around?
Step 3: Compasionalty connect. Noticing the resistance and focusing your attention more gently and lovingly. Ask it what do you need right now? and listen. Can you feel more connected to that part of you?
Step 4: Check for C qualities. These are your attracting power. Compassion, Confidence, Calm, Clarity, Courage, Creativity, Connectedness, Curiosity- do any of these C qualities emerge? even the slightest- releases the stronghold of the resistance. Breathe into these C qualities.
Step 5 ( this is from me not Gabby, and really works for me) Come back to the body part you felt the resistance and play your C quality there - by this I mean, what image is helping you as you unblock. ( for me, when I feel anxious and self-doubt, I breathe Calm and Clarity into my lower back like my lungs have moved down there/ I also like to imagine I have wings of compassion to help me be steady, confident and calm)
Take this practice with you anytime you notice your resistance creep in.
DAY 8: Ask for a sign.
Asking for a sign mans your willing to collaborate with the universe. Willing to release control.
1) Choose your sign: Anything that comes to mind - animal, song lyric, let this come to you naturally- don’t think! The first image or idea that come into you mind
2) Chill. Leave you right there. Turn your sign over to the universe and say ‘“Thank you, Universe, for offering me clarity. Show me my sign if I’m moving in the right direction.”
3) Be patient. don’t try to force your sign to show up- this is a lesson in strengthening your faith in yourself. Get out of the way and got get some feeling good!
How to know when your sign shows up: Learn how to recognize and trust the signs of guidance you receive from the Universe, and how to know the difference between a divine sign and your own ego.
Be patient and trust in the Universe’s plan
Some signs come quickly and some take time. If you don’t get your sign right away don’t worry. You may need to clear some fears or strengthen your faith before you can get it.
DAY 9: Surrender your Desire
Surrendering yoru desires allows you to release control and trust that the Universe will deliver what’s in your highest good. Release control and let go of how things should unfold and trust your path. Stay open, and be willing to receive what’s best for you, even if it looks different than expected. Patience is key, trust that the universe is working behind the scenes, even if you can’t see it yet.
1)Write a surrender statement to the universe:
“I recognise that I’m out of alignment with …… I choose to surrender the outcome now. Thank you, Universe, for revealing what is of the highest good for all.”
2) Bury this statement outside! Somewhere it can be released, in a park, your garden, doesn’t need to be anywhere special, just bury it.
Book recommendation: The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer! Here the Key ideas from The Surrender Experiment:
Quieting the mind is one of the main goals of spiritual practice.
Surrendering to the flow of life calms the mind.
Service is more noble than solitude.
Following the flow of life can help build a successful business.
From carpentry to software, life knows what it wants you to do.
If you surrender to the flow of life, the right people and opportunities will often show up.
Continued surrendering to life can result in extreme success.
Surrendering to life also means accepting extreme adversity.
DAY 10: Grateful in Advance
Expressing gratitude in advance aligns your energy with abundance and creates a space for your desires to manifest. Starting or ending each day with a daily gratitude practice is a nice way to build momentum. Act as though your desires have already manifested and feeling in now. The more you focus on your gratitude, the more you invite miracles.
1) Write down what you’re grateful for in advance, as yoru desires have already manifested.
2) Read/repeat daily
DAY 11: The Appreciation Game
If you stay in the energy of appreciation, the areas of your life that aren’t working will work out naturally. However, sometimes we still get caught up in the little annoyances of life. Let’s face it: It’s human to get annoyed!
Expressing you appreciation whether large or small it doesn’t matter. For example, ‘I appreciate being surrounded by loving family and friends’ or ‘I appreciate that I am healthy’. It is all about making this a daily habit to appreciate what you have in your life rather than focusing on what you don’t have.
It isn’t just about appreciating what you have in your life but also appreciating yourself and who you are as an individual.
Think of what you appreciate about yourself. You might appreciate your resilience or your kindness or a skill that you might have.
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough..”
Oprah Winfrey
You can play this on your own or with a friend/partner.
Aprrecaite someone else: Tell them something you appreciate about them. It can be anything, like, “I appreciate how you………..”
Appreciate You. They/You tell you something they/you appreciate about you.
Appreciate someone else: You tell them something else you appreciate about them.
Keep it up for a minute or two. You can set a timer if it feels more comfortable at first to have a hard stop.
Day 12: Set your Standards.
Defining your non-negotiables helps you create space for what truly matters, filtering your distractions and misaligned desires. Setting boundaries helps us clear space for alignment and let go of what doesn’t serve our core commitments. Prioritise what matters, and align your actions with yoru deepest values and desires.
1) List your non-negotiables- those core values that define what truly matters to you and will serve as an inner compass on the path to manifesting your dreams.
2) Stay Committed: Return to yoru non-negotiables when making decisions or feeling off track.
DAY 13: Creative Visualisation
Creative visualisation is the practice of imagining your desires are already fulfilled, aligning your thoughts and energy to attract them into reality. Visualise yoru desires, see you already living your dream. Feel the emotions, experience the joy and fulfilment of your manifested desires.
1) Describe (or draw) an image that represents your desires. Maybe you have a photo that reflectsyour desires.
2)Be specific- picture details to enhance the manifestation process.
3) What resonates with you about this image?
4) Sit and look at your words or images for 5 minutes, immerse yourself, and meditate.
5) How did you feel as you immersed yourself in this visualisation? Is there anything you might add to your visualisation book?
DAY 14: Pay attention to the driftwood!
The more you see what you want in the world, the closer you are to it. Perhaps at the two-week point, you’ve seen others who have what you want, this practice celebrates that and leans it to that feeling. We’re going to call this driftwood, we’re going to consider what you notice is a sign your desires are coming to you.
1) Notice what you notice, rather than comparing or feeling negative when you see someone who has what you want, celebrate it.
2) Document the driftwood, and write down any subtle signs or synchronicities you’ve noticed that indicate your desires are on the way.
For example, if you’re manifesting your dream house - you see someone else who has their dream house with lots of elements that you’d love too, or you see your dream house in the wrong part of the country, or out of your price range; rather than feeling sad for yourself, be happy for them and celebrate it as a sign your dream house is on its way.
DAY 15: Creative Energy Flow.
I call this Lila! ( the opposite of Karma)- Doing something creative for no outcome, purpose or reason. Tapping into creative (Lila) energy aligns you with the flow of the universe and opens the door to effortless manifesting. In Hindu philosophy is defined as ‘divine play’ - and signifies that freedom, rather than necessity is needed to reach your destiny.
1) List what creative activities bring you JOY, even if there is no specific outcome attached.
2) Today ( and every day) is there something you can play, and create for not outcome?
For example, if you’re cooking this evening, can you get creative and try a new recipe? If you're in yoga class, can you create a new version of a pose that’s your own creation? In my house, my daughter and I are following a 100-day drawing book together- and we like to have a dance before dinner ( it allows me to share with her my favourite songs of the 80’s and 90’s!), and we make up routines!