Module 9

AUDIO Svadhyaya Dharma Talk (18 minutes)

AUDIO Mantra for svadhyaya (9 minutes)

VIDEO Mudra + Pranayama for svadhyaya (5 minutes)

AUDIOSvadhyaya Meditation (6 minutes)

VIDEO 9 Sun Salutations (13 minutes)

VIDEO Asana practice for svadhyaya (19 minutes)


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Recommended Readings

Readings are entirely optional, to enhance the course. Recommended readings for this module are:

  • Embrace Yoga’s Roots

    • Section IV, Part 1: Reflection | Allyship and Accompliceship, pp. 115-123

    • Section IV, Part 2: Reflection | Equity and Diversity, pp. 125-140

  • The Yamas and Niyamas

    • Chapter 11, Svadhyaya, pages 147-163

  • The Path of the Yoga Sutras

    • Chapter 40, pages 195-199


Module Nine - Tapas


Module Eleven - Ishvara