Module 3: Techniques, Training and Practice / Practicums

Materials for this module include essential and recommended texts and your course handbook. any additional resources or useful links will be posted on this page throughout the course. 


Ashtanga Primary Series

 Sri K. Pattabhi Jois downloadable PDF

BNS Iyengar dowloadable PDF

In their essence, the series taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and BNS Iyengar are same. But in details we will find some minor differences.

VIDEO Half primary series led by Emily 45 minutes.

VIDEO Full Praimry Series BNS Iyengar method Led by Joey Paz 90 minutes

VIDEO Full Primary Series Pattabhi Jois method Led Class by Laruga Glaser 80 minutes

VIDEO Full Intermediate Series led by John Scott 120 minutes

This series is the foundation for all vinyasa-based practices, and therefore we encourage you to learn and teach much of this series.



By the end of your course you are required to teach 5 hours, this will be incorporated into your contact hours.

By the end of the course you are required to plan and teach, assist or team teach:

  • Meditation and pranayama pracitce.

  • Part of the Ashtanga Primary Series.

  • A anatomical focus asana sequence.

  • A mythology focused asana sequence,

  • A beginner asana sequence.

  • A special populations sequence.

  • One 60 minute integrated asana class to your peers plus additional clients either from the community or friends and family of the trainee. (final class in January weekend, times TBC)

What we are looking for:

  • Variety of communication skills and management of group dynamics, time management, and the establishment of priorities and boundaries.

  • How to address the specific needs of individuals and special populations, to the degree possible in a group setting.

  • Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting and correcting.

  • Understanding of teaching styles, qualities of a teacher and the student learning process.



You have been provided with a small log book. You are required to attend a minimum of 12 yoga classes in a variety of settings, styles and with different teachers.

You should note the date, location and style of yoga as well as a short reflection on your key learning form the class as a pracitce and/ or of the teaching.

Bring your log book to each weekend meet up.


Philosophy, Lifestyle & Ethics


Personal Research Project